Monday 21 October 2013

Guess who won the giant pumpkin contest?

Photo: Mrs. Farmer wins the 2013 giant pumpkin contest. Was there ever any doubt ;) (maybe a little at one point)  
We will weigh my pumpkin and announce the winner of the "guess the weight" contest this Friday night.  If you haven't guessed yet,  I'll post the link below in the comments. (do not guess on this post please-let's keep all the guesses together)


  1. I think farmer Cheryl won again. Farmer Cheryl's tenth year of victory has arrived.

  2. I think farmer Cherly won again, for the tenth time

  3. I think farmer cheryl won.By the way how did they lift the pumpkin.

  4. I think farmer Cherly would win and its her tenth time

  5. I think Farmer Cheyl won again,for the 10th time


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